Tag Archives: north carolina

Hannah Durham with USC mascot Cocky

Congratulations to Hannah Durham on her new position at Duke University!!

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Hannah Durham graduated from USC this past May and is currently a research assistant in our lab. She has accepted a clinical research specialist position at the Center for Autism and Brain Development at Duke University Medical Center! She will be joining a team who is studying the efficacy of umbilical cord blood infusion for improving outcomes of children with autism spectrum disorder. Congratulations!!

Infants with down syndrome

Infants with Down syndrome

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Do you have an infant with Down syndrome? We are currently recruiting infants with Down syndrome 13 months and younger in Columbia, SC and it’s surrounding areas to participant in our research study!

The goal of this study is to learn more about early development in Down syndrome:

  • Participant takes about 2 hours.
  • Participation involves an assessment of the infant’s developmental skills using play-based assessments, and an interview with parents regarding their child’s development and physiology.
  • Participants are compensated for their time.

Want to learn more? Contact Jessica Scherr at scherr@email.sc.edu or Laura Hahn at HAHNLJ@mailbox.sc. We can also be reached by phone at (803) 777-5676.

Learn how you can take part in our research