Tag Archives: jane roberts

Chromosome X illustration

Infant Grant from NIH approved for Extension!

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In 2011, Dr. Roberts was the recipient of a five year NIH R01 grant entitled “Emergence and Stability of Autism in Fragile X Syndrome.”  In this study, Dr. Roberts and her team analyzed the behavior of infants who were at high risk for developing autism. She has now been awarded 3.1 million dollars from NIH to follow-up of these infants and track their development into their preschool years!  With this new award, the team at the Neurodevelopmental Lab will be able to follow the development of the infants from 9 months-of-age to 5 years-of-age and identify which features during infancy were predictive of  developmental delays in the infants at high risk for developmental impairments.  This information will then be translated to efforts targeting early identification and treatment.

Publications and Presentations Updated

Publications and Presentations Updated

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Our list of publications and presentations for 2015 has been updated based on our activities over the past year. Check out any of the links to see what we’ve been researching!

Fragile X Society

Research featured by the Fragile X Society

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New research by members of the Neurodevelopmental Disorders Lab has been recently highlighted by the Fragile X Society. This research focuses on reading development and the role of phonological skills in boys with fragile X syndrome. Read more about our research and potential implications for teaching children with fragile X syndrome to read!

Anna Porter Awarded First Place

Anna Porter Awarded First Place

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Undergraduate student Anna Porter attended the South Carolina Upstate Research Symposium where she presented her poster titled The Impact of Maternal Anxiety on Child Language Outcomes in Fragile X Syndrome​. The poster was awarded first place in the Psychology and Social Sciences section. Congratulations, Anna!

Alexis Brewe named a Magellan Scholar

Alexis Brewe named a Magellan Scholar

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Alexis Brewe was named a Magellan scholar in Spring 2015 and awarded a grant for her project on analyzing social play behaviors, such as “showing” and initiating joint attention, as early indicators of autism in high-risk infants. Congratulations, Alexis!

Laura Hahn Awarded ASPIRE

Dr. Laura Hahn Awarded ASPIRE

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In 2015, Dr. Laura Hahn was awarded an ASPIRE: Advanced Support for Innovative Research Excellence by the University of South Carolina to support her research on early development in Down syndrome. This Down syndrome infant study will examine early visual attention, social initiation, and physiological responses. The results of this work will help her to better understand early development in Down syndrome in order to promote positive development and well-being in these children and their families.

Dr Jane Roberts Faculty Profile

Dr Jane Roberts Faculty Profile

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The University of South Carolina College of Arts and Sciences features Dr. Jane Roberts profile on their website. Read Dr Jane Roberts Faculty Profile to hear more about her research on the early diagnosis and treatment of autism and other developmental disabilities.

Jessi Scherr Interning

Jessi Scherr Interning at Nationwide Children’s Hospital

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Jessi Scherr got selected to complete her doctoral internship at a top APA accredited internship site at Nationwide Children’s Hospital with an emphasis in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.  She is looking forward to continuing her clinical training in assessment and intervention with children and families that are influenced by developmental disabilities, as well as gaining experience with clinical research.

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