Do you have an infant with Down syndrome? We are currently recruiting infants with Down syndrome 13 months and younger in Columbia, SC and it’s surrounding areas to participant in our research study!
The goal of this study is to learn more about early development in Down syndrome:
Want to learn more? Contact Jessica Scherr at [email protected] or Laura Hahn at [email protected]. We can also be reached by phone at (803) 777-5676.
Jessi Scherr got selected to complete her doctoral internship at a top APA accredited internship site at Nationwide Children’s Hospital with an emphasis in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. She is looking forward to continuing her clinical training in assessment and intervention with children and families that are influenced by developmental disabilities, as well as gaining experience with clinical research.
Do you have a child with fragile X syndrome or the fragile X premutation? We are currently recruiting fragile X families in Charlotte, NC and it’s surrounding areas to participate in our research studies! We are also recruiting women who are carriers of the fragile X premutation who do not have children.
The goal of our studies is to learn about behavioral and language profiles associated with fragile X and the fragile X premutation.
Want to learn more? Contact Jessica Klusek at [email protected] or (803) 777-5676.
Rainey Hughes will join the University of Houston’s School Psychology PhD program for the fall of 2016. Her research at the University of Houston will focus on intervention-related issues for children with autism spectrum disorder including the influence of family factors on treatment decisions and how mental health providers implement treatments. Rainey was a USC Magellan Scholar and Undergraduate Research Assistant with the Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Research Lab here at the University of South Carolina. Congratulations, Rainey. You will be missed!
Laura Hahn will join the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign faculty in the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences as an Assistant Professor in August 2015. Laura will continue her research on characterizing early social and cognitive abilities in infants and children with neurogenetic disorders (i.e., fragile X syndrome, Down syndrome). Congratulations, Laura!
Bridgette Tonnsen will join Purdue University’s Department of Psychological Sciences as an assistant professor of clinical psychology in August of 2015. As part of the Purdue Autism Network, Bridgette will continue her research in the early development of children and families affected by neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g. autism, fragile X syndrome) using integrated clinical, experimental, and psychophysiological methods. Congratulations, Bridgette!
Doctoral candidate Bridgette Tonnsen received the APA Division 33 Graduate Student Travel Award for the 48th Annual Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Congratulations, Bridgette!
We’re Recruiting Mothers in SC! We are currently recruiting mothers of typically developing children for our mother study.
Participants are compensated for their time. Participation in the mother study takes about 3 hours. It involves completing some interviews and questionnaires about family experiences.
Please contact Dr. Jessica Klusek by email or by phone at (803) 777-5676 if you have any questions or are interested in participating in this mother study.
This mother study focuses on understanding the range of experiences, thoughts and preferences, and communication styles that families with and without children with disabilities experience. We hope our results will help us learn the best ways to support families who have children affected by developmental disorders such as autism and fragile X syndrome. By recruiting mothers in SC, we hope to hear the wonderful stories from the moms in our community.
In May 2014, doctoral students Marjorie Grefer and Jessi Scherr received the Provost Thesis Award. Congratulations!
Learn how you can take part in our research