Tag Archives: usc

Bridgette Tonnsen Receives Travel Award

Bridgette Tonnsen Receives Travel Award

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Doctoral candidate Bridgette Tonnsen received the APA Division 33 Graduate Student Travel Award for the 48th Annual Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Congratulations, Bridgette!

recruiting mothers in sc

Recruiting Mothers in SC

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We’re Recruiting Mothers in SC! We are currently recruiting mothers of typically developing children for  our mother study.

Participants are compensated for their time. Participation in the mother study takes about 3 hours. It involves completing some interviews and questionnaires about family experiences.

Please contact Dr. Jessica Klusek by email or by phone at (803) 777-5676 if you have any questions or are interested in participating in this mother study.

This mother study focuses on understanding the range of experiences, thoughts and preferences, and communication styles that families with and without children with disabilities experience. We hope our results will help us learn the best ways to support families who have children affected by developmental disorders such as autism and fragile X syndrome. By recruiting mothers in SC, we hope to hear the wonderful stories from the moms in our community.

Doctoral Students Receive Provost Thesis Award

Doctoral Students Receive Provost Thesis Award

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In May 2014, doctoral students Marjorie Grefer and Jessi Scherr received the Provost Thesis Award. Congratulations!

sara mcgrath

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