Tag Archives: post doc

Debra Reisinger

Congratulations to Debra Reisinger for accepting a post-doctoral position at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital!

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Debra Reisinger is a current graduate student on internship at Kennedy Krieger Institute at the John Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore Maryland.  She is on track to graduate with her doctorate this year and has already accepted a post-doctoral position at Cincinnati’s Children’s Hospital!  She will be working in Dr. Craig Erickson’s lab where they primarily examine pathophysiological mechanisms and treatment efficacy in individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities, including ASD and FXS.

Dr. Elizabeth Will

Welcome Dr. Elizabeth Will!!

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Starting this July, the Neurodevelopmental Lab will have a new postdoctoral fellow as part of our research team!!  Dr. Elizabeth Will is coming to us from Colorado State University where she received her Ph.D. in Applied Developmental Science.  Dr. Will’s postdoctoral research will focus on delineating syndrome-specific vulnerabilities and underlying psychophysiological mechanisms contributing to differential outcomes for individuals with fragile X syndrome.

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