Tag Archives: participate

Little Girl With Hands on Face

Currently Recruiting children with Autism

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We are recruiting children who have been diagnosed with Autism!

Who can take part in this study:  Children 30-42 months diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and a developmental delay.

What will participation involve:  Completing some interviews and questionnaires about your thoughts and experiences as well as your child’s development.  Yearly in person assessments of mom and child at your home.  Participants will be compensated  for their time and receive a brief report of their child’s development.

How will this project help families: This information would enable us to support all families affected by neuro-developmental disorders by promoting earlier diagnosis, treatment and support.

How can I get more information: Please contact Ms. Jessica Escorcia via email ([email protected]) or phone (803-777- 5676). You may also visit our recruitment page.

Learn how you can take part in our research