Tag Archives: Jordan Ezell

Jordan Ezell and Carla Wall

Jordan and Carla accepted into CHQ Junior Scholar Program!

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Graduate students Jordan Ezell and Carla Wall have been accepted into the 2017 Center for Healthcare Quality (CHQ) Junior Scholar Program!  The CHQ is committed to engaging in innovative research that will enhance the quality of life for individuals in South Carolina and around the world.  Their mission is to contribute to advances in healthcare through rigorous research, education, community engagement and policy advocacy.  Jordan and Carla will receive research stipends each semester and support to attend a conference or publish research findings.  Congratulations Jordan and Carla!!

SC Autism Society logo

Symposium accepted at South Carolina Autism Conference

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Graduate Students Sara Matherly and Jordan Ezell will be presenting on the Challenges and benefits to identifying and treating anxiety in youth with autism spectrum Disorders at the SC Autism Society conference on Friday, November 4th, 2016!


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