Our Assessment Team

Erin Hunt : Graduate Student

Erin Hunt

Graduate Student

Erin Hunt completed a B.S. in Cognitive Neuroscience with a minor in Chemistry from Fordham University in 2017. Throughout her undergraduate career, Erin worked in the Fordham Memory and Aging Lab as a research assistant and completed a senior thesis examining the effects of menstrual cycle phase on cognition and autobiographical memory. After graduation, Erin completed a two-year research assistantship at the Child Mind Institute's Healthy Brain Network, a community-based research program aiming to identify biomarkers underlying mental health and learning disorders in children and adolescents. Her current research interests include exploring developmental trajectories of neurocognitive abilities, such as inhibitory control, in relation to maladaptive outcomes in both typically developing children and children with neurodevelopmental disorders.

Chandler Knott : Graduate Student

Chandler Knott

Graduate Student

Chandler Knott is currently a doctoral student in the School Psychology program at UofSC. She received her B.S. in Experimental Psychology from UofSC in 2017. After receiving her undergraduate degree, Chandler completed a two-year research assistantship here in the NDD lab where she gained extensive experience working with families of young children with FXS, DS, and ASD. Her interest in neurodevelopmental disorders originated from her previous experiences working with children with ASD in educational and therapeutic settings as a former Registered Behavior Technician. Her current research and clinical interests include early detection and intervention of ASD in high-risk populations, atypical sensory processing in young children with neurodevelopmental disorders, and differential diagnosis.

For more detailed information regarding Chandler’s research and clinical experience, view her curriculum vitae.

Rachel Hantman : Doctoral Student

Rachel Hantman

Doctoral Student

Rachel Hantman is a doctoral student in the Clinical-Community Psychology program here at the UofSC and a trainee in the Behavioral-Biomedical Interface Program. She completed her B.S. in Neurobiology at the University of Washington in 2016 and her M.Ed. in Mind, Brain, and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) in 2017. During her B.S., Rachel worked under Dr. Wendy Stone in the Research in Early Autism Detection and Intervention Lab where she studied parental verbal responsiveness to child communicative acts in relation to ASD-risk. Upon graduating with her M.Ed., she worked at HGSE as a Lab Manager under Dr. Gigi Luk, assisting in a study examining learning outcomes of bilingual, dyslexic, and typically developing adolescences through fMRI and eye tracking. She then worked with Dr. Helen Tager-Flusberg at Boston University where she designed and implemented a qualitative study examining how parents of young adults with ASD believe that their children’s sensory sensitivities impact their transition to adulthood. Currently, Rachel is interested in using biopsychosocial ecological approaches to study neurodevelopmental disorders, specifically regarding how factors that surround children (e.g., parental stress, intervention history) impact and interact with their symptomology, behaviors, and neurobiology in relation to their daily functioning (e.g., anxiety, adaptive functioning).

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