Tag Archives: award

Kelly Caravella and Jordan Ezell

Congratulations to Kelly Caravella and Jordan Ezell for each being awarded the SPARC Graduate Research Grant!

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Kelly Caravella and Jordan Ezell, graduate students working under Jane Roberts in our lab, have been awarded grants sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research.  This Support to Promote Advancement of Research and Creativity (SPARC) is given out each year in order to ignite research and creative excellence across all disciplines at USC.  Kelly’s work will be Comparing Autism Symptomatology in Young Children with Fragile X Syndrome and Down Syndrome.  Jordan will be studying Anxiety in Preschool Children with Autism.  Congratulations to both of them for winning this prestigious award which will allow them to pursue their scholarly projects!

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Congratulations to Dr. Abigail Hogan, recipient of the Theodore Tjossem Postdoctoral Travel Award!!

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It is our pleasure to announce that Dr. Abigail Hogan is the recipient of the Theodore Tjossem Postdoctoral Travel Award in the amount of $400.00 to attend the 50th Annual Gatlinburg Conference. This conference continues its tradition as one of the premier conferences in the United States for behavioral scientists conducting research in intellectual and related developmental disabilities. Dr. Hogan will be giving a talk on exciting new findings and attending both evening poster sessions on Wednesday, March 8th and Thursday, March 9th . For more information about the Gatlinburg Conference, please refer to the UC Davis website   

Fragile X chromosome illustration

Anxiety Grant Funded by the National Institute of Health!

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In September 2016, Dr. Jane Roberts was awarded funding by the National Institute of Mental Health for the project entitled: Emergence, Stability and Predictors of Anxiety in Fragile X Syndrome.  It is the first longitudinal developmental study of the early features of anxiety in very young boys with FXS contrasted to boys diagnosed with ASD (non-FXS) and typical controls.  The study analyzes the age which initial features of anxiety can be detected and the stability and prognostic value of these early symptoms.  Our lab is eager to start work on this exciting new project!!

Chromosome X illustration

Infant Grant from NIH approved for Extension!

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In 2011, Dr. Roberts was the recipient of a five year NIH R01 grant entitled “Emergence and Stability of Autism in Fragile X Syndrome.”  In this study, Dr. Roberts and her team analyzed the behavior of infants who were at high risk for developing autism. She has now been awarded 3.1 million dollars from NIH to follow-up of these infants and track their development into their preschool years!  With this new award, the team at the Neurodevelopmental Lab will be able to follow the development of the infants from 9 months-of-age to 5 years-of-age and identify which features during infancy were predictive of  developmental delays in the infants at high risk for developmental impairments.  This information will then be translated to efforts targeting early identification and treatment.

Carly Moser

Carly Moser awarded Magellan Grant

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Carly Moser was named a Magellan Scholar in May 2016 and awarded a grant to fund research on the relationship between autonomic function and psychosocial outcomes in mothers with the FMR1 premutation.  Congratulations Carly!

Sara McGrath

Sara Matherly receives travel award for Gatlinburg Conference

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The National Fragile X Foundation awarded Sara Matherly a $400 travel award for the 49th Annual Gatlinburg Conference in San Diego, CA.  Her work was entitled: Effect of anxiety disorders on functional daily living skills in young adult males with fragile X syndrome.  Congratulations Sara!

Anna Porter Wins At Discovery Day

Anna Porter wins at Discovery Day

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Undergraduate student Anna Porter presented her poster titled ​The Relation Between Anxiety and Heart  Rate in Women with the FMR1 Premutation During Direct and Averted Gaze at the 2015 University of South Carolina ​Discovery Day. The poster received the first place award in the Psychology and Neurosciences B section. Congratulations, Anna!

Geoff Marston Receives Award

Geoff Marston Receives Award

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Congratulations to Geoff Marston, an undergraduate research assistant with the Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Research Lab, for receiving the Capstone Scholars’ Magellan Apprentice award! This award allows promising students to engage in mentored research. Geoff’s project will focus on the relationship between autonomic functioning and cognitive styles in women with the FMR1 premutation.

Bridgette Tonnsen Receives Travel Award

Bridgette Tonnsen Receives Travel Award

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Doctoral candidate Bridgette Tonnsen received the APA Division 33 Graduate Student Travel Award for the 48th Annual Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Congratulations, Bridgette!

Doctoral Students Receive Provost Thesis Award

Doctoral Students Receive Provost Thesis Award

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In May 2014, doctoral students Marjorie Grefer and Jessi Scherr received the Provost Thesis Award. Congratulations!

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